


Cam Hung Solar Power Plant

Cam Hung Solar Power Plant has a capacity of 29 MWp, operating in the period of 2018 – 2020; located in Cam Hung – Cam Quan commune, Cam Xuyen district; The estimated land use area is 29 ha. Cam Hung solar power plant is connected to the national power system according to the plan of building a new 22/110 kV step-up transformer station for Cam Hung solar power, capacity of 1×40 MVA at Cam Hung Solar Power Plant, in 2019; new construction of the Cam Hung – Cam Xuyen 110 kV solar power line with a length of 2.5 km, conductor cross-section of 185 mm2, operated in 2019, in sync with the progress of Cam Hung Solar Power Plant.